Place born
Organisation / Person

Hosier, Arthur Julius

1877 - 1963

Ayrton, Hertha

1854 - 1923

Fowler, William Henry

1807 - 1904

1875-1969, meteorological, aviation & surveying instrument manufacturer, London, England

Short and Mason Limited

1875 - 1969

Gresley, Sir Nigel (1876-1941), engineer

1876 - 1941

Hume, William Fraser

1867 - 1949

1879-current (2020), manufacturer of surgical instruments, London, England

Downs Surgical Limited


active c. 1894-1968, optical instrument maker, London, England

R and J Beck Limited

1867 - 1968

Chapman Jones, Henry

1854 - 1932

c. 1850-2005, printer, Manchester, England

Peter Stone and Company (Printers) Manchester

1850 - 2005

c.1863 - 1946, surgical instrument maker, London, England

Down Bros and Mayer and Phelps Limited


1857-about 1948, manufacturer of sewing machines, American

Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company


1846-, iron founder, West Bromwich, England

Joseph and Jesse Siddons


Macadie, Donald

1871 - 1956

1879-1941, poster artist, British

Gawthorn, Henry George

1879 - 1941

1847-1966, manufacturer of ceramics, Stoke on Trent, England

W T Copeland and Sons Limited

1847 - 1966

1850s-1972, publisher, London, England

Crosby Lockwood and Company

1850 - 1972

1877-1926, manufacturer of explosives, Ardeer, Scotland

Nobel's Explosives Company Limited

1877 - 1926

1850-1888, electrical engineer; inventor; patentee, French

Gaulard, Lucien

1850 - 1888

1878-1969, mathematical & scientific instrument maker, Manchester & London, England

J Halden and Company Limited

1878 - 1969

1869-1986/7, optical instrument maker (microscope & cameras - Leica), Germany

E Leitz

1869 - 1987

c.1880 -1992, stationers; scientific equipment manufacturer, Manchester, England

A G Thornton Limited

1880 - 1992

1857-1960s?, manufacturer of laundry machines and appliances, Manchester, England

Thomas Bradford and Company

1850 - 1991

active 1853-1921, optical, mathematical, philosophical & electrical inst. maker, London, England

Elliott Brothers

1853 - 1921

Lilienthal, Otto

1848 - 1896

1854/5-1922, trapeze artist, aeronaut, acrobat, American

Dare, Leona

1855 - 1922

1862-1943, poster artist; book illustrator, British

Goble, Warwick

1862 - 1943

1872-1953, artist; sculptor; medallist, English; British

Bayes, Gilbert

1872 - 1953

1875-1976, manufacturer, Tunstall, British

Alfred Meakin

1875 - 1976

active 1863-1924, neurologist, founder of Radionics movement, American

Abrams, Albert

1863 - 1924

1874-1966, steelmakers; munitions makers, English; British

John Baker and Company Limited

1874 - 1966

1880-1995, laboratory equipment manufacturer (chemistry, physics), London, England

A Gallenkamp and Company Limited

1880 - 1995

Baring, Rowland Thomas

1877 - 1953

active 1867-?, surgical instrument maker, Tuttlingen, Germany

Jetter and Scheerer


1887-?, manufacturer of linen, clothing, merchants, general outfitters, Belfast; London

Robinson and Cleaver Limited


Brewer, Griffith

1867 - 1948

Silberrad, Oswald John

1878 - 1960

Barrow Ship Building Company Limited

1871 - 1897

Shallcross Stone, Flora

1851 - 1875

Redrup, Charles Benjamin

1878 - 1961

Hackworth, Esther Ann

1862 - 1917

Ereky, Karoly

1878 - 1952

Hopkinson, John (FRS)

1849 - 1898

Burden, Harold Nelson

1860 - 1930

Sherrington, Charles Scott

1857 - 1952

Thompson, Silvanus Phillips

1851 - 1916

Bridges-Lee, John

1867 - 1917

Young, Edith Mary

1875 - 1945

Norman, Henry (first baronet)

1858 - 1939

Plummer, John James

1806 - 1907